Are you struggling with above error:
And you want to know how to solve this error;then
you are at right place. After reading this article you
will be able to solve this error.
To solve this error we need to inject NIC drivers to the
Boot.wim File.
How to Inject NIC/LAN/ETHERNET drivers to Boot.wim
Create a new folder in your C: dive called Tempwim
copy boot.wim file to your C:\tempwim\
in C:\tempwim folder create 2 more folders named Mount & drivers
copy your NIC/LAN/ETHERNET drivers to drivers folder
but make sure that files are extracted & must contain .inf file
now run Command prompt as Administrator
type the following command one by one :
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\tempwim\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:C:\tempwim\mount
the above command will mount Boot.wim file to
C:\tempwim\mount folder
now type the following command